
package util

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CharArrayMap [V] extends AbstractMap[AnyRef, V]

    A simple class that stores key Strings as char[]'s in a hash table.

    A simple class that stores key Strings as char[]'s in a hash table. Note that this is not a general purpose class. For example, it cannot remove items from the map, nor does it resize its hash table to be smaller, etc. It is designed to be quick to retrieve items by char[] keys without the necessity of converting to a String first.

  2. class CharArraySet extends AbstractSet[AnyRef]

    A simple class that stores Strings as char[]'s in a hash table.

    A simple class that stores Strings as char[]'s in a hash table. Note that this is not a general purpose class. For example, it cannot remove items from the set, nor does it resize its hash table to be smaller, etc. It is designed to be quick to test if a char[] is in the set without the necessity of converting it to a String first.

    Please note: This class implements Set but does not behave like it should in all cases. The generic type is Set, because you can add any object to it, that has a string representation. The add methods will use Object#toString and store the result using a char[] buffer. The same behavior have the contains() methods. The #iterator() returns an Iterator.

  3. abstract class CharacterUtils extends AnyRef

    CharacterUtils provides a unified interface to Character-related operations.

  4. Value Members

    1. object Hangul

      Hangul analysis helper.

      Hangul analysis helper. One Hangul character can be decomposed to consonants and a vowel. This object helps analyze Korean character by consonant and vowel level.

    2. object KoreanConjugation

      Expands Korean verbs and adjectives to all possible conjugation forms.

    3. object KoreanDictionaryProvider

      Provides a singleton Korean dictionary

    4. object KoreanPos extends Enumeration

      Korean Part-of-Speech

      Korean Part-of-Speech

      N Noun: 명사 (Nouns, Pronouns, Company Names, Proper Noun, Person Names, Numerals, Standalone, Dependent) V Verb: 동사 (하, 먹, 자, 차) J Adjective: 형용사 (예쁘다, 크다, 작다) A Adverb: 부사 (잘, 매우, 빨리, 반드시, 과연) D Determiner: 관형사 (새, 헌, 참, 첫, 이, 그, 저) E Exclamation: 감탄사 (헐, ㅋㅋㅋ, 어머나, 얼씨구)

      C Conjunction: 접속사

      j SubstantiveJosa: 조사 (의, 에, 에서) l AdverbialJosa: 부사격 조사 (~인, ~의, ~일) e Eomi: 어말어미 (다, 요, 여, 하댘ㅋㅋ) r PreEomi: 선어말어미 (었)

      p NounPrefix: 접두사 ('초'대박) v VerbPrefix: 동사 접두어 ('쳐'먹어) s Suffix: 접미사 (~적)

      f Foreign: 한글이 아닌 문자들

      지시사는 Derterminant로 대체하기로 함 Derterminant is used for demonstratives.

      Korean: Korean chunk (candidate for parsing) Foreign: Mixture of non-Korean strings Number: 숫자 Emotion: Korean Single Character Emotions (ㅋㅋㅋㅋ, ㅎㅎㅎㅎ, ㅠㅜㅠㅜ) Alpha: Alphabets 알파벳 Punctuation: 문장부호 Hashtag: Twitter Hashtag 해쉬태그 #Korean ScreenName: Twitter username (@nlpenguin)

      Unkown: Could not parse the string.

    5. object KoreanSubstantive

      Helper methods for Korean nouns and josas.
